Hoje apetece-me dizer...

...aquilo que ouço, vejo...

terça-feira, agosto 22, 2006

"i smoke a lot" - k's choice

I smoke a lot
I'm not talking weed or pot
I smoke the regular stuff
I smoke a lot
And if you're a smoker too
You are to know sometimes it's tough
To be in healthy company
People who always say
You smoke a lot
Imagine the amount of money you could save if you'd quit
You smoke a lot
By now you'd have a bike, aren't you concerned about the kids
Well, of course, sure I am, concerned (a bit)
But about that bike, I could get killed with it
And is that what you really want
(It's not)
So I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot
My God I smoke a lot, and I feel fine
And I feel fine
I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot
Ismoke a lot
I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot
Sometimes it's great
Sometimes it's not
But I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot
I smoke a lot

(não encontrei a música, ficou uma letra que contradiz com a imagem... talvez agrade a gregos e a troianos)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I only no that I smoke a lot too and that i dont care.


quarta ago. 23, 03:00:00 da tarde 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Know* (estarei com sono?)

quarta ago. 23, 03:00:00 da tarde 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I only know that a smoke a lot too and I do care.Encontraste uma "feliz imagem" para quem fuma muito.Eu preocupo-me sim.Beijo.

sexta set. 01, 01:34:00 da manhã 2006  

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